Expert profile

Peter Aird

Well Drilling and Engineering, Instructor, Advisor

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    About Peter

    Peter, boasting 43 years of experience in drilling leadership, well engineering, and advisory services, stands as a true industry trailblazer. His expertise shines in the realm of complex well drilling projects. Since 1998, he has played a pivotal role in crafting and delivering over 100 drilling instructional courses and workshops across more than 35 countries.

    As a globally recognised authority, Peter’s dedication to imparting his knowledge has shaped the upcoming generation of drilling professionals and pushed the boundaries of drilling technology. His legacy is one of precision, leadership, and an unwavering commitment to excellence in drilling and well engineering.

    In 1993, Peter Aird established Kingdom Drilling Services Ltd, providing consultancy and training in well design, engineering, and drilling to prominent oil companies such as Shell and BP. He holds the title of UK Chartered Engineer and holds a master’s degree in drilling engineering. Peter has been actively engaged in drilling operations since 1987 and additionally conducts training programs to disseminate his expertise.

    Managing 'Lost' time 'MLT'
    3-4 days Practical loss control safety leadership. How to better recognize and analysis EVIDENT wells data to identify all 'things that go wrong'. Course also introduces 'Latent cause analysis' investigative methods to further assure that all learning is translated and sustained into future well programs.
    Drilling/well operations
    2-day Introductory course for new-start technical and non-technical persons.
    HP HT Drilling
    3-5 day customised learning experience developed in 2016 for Operating Companies.
    Managed Pressure drilling
    4-day experience that encompasses all aspects of offshore MPD drilling projects.
    Deepwater Drilling Operations
    Ran in vaiours guises from 3 to 10 days, This well design, planning, drilling engineering & operations technology experience has been delivered in more than 25 countries to IOC's, NOC's and service companies as per specific in house requests since 1998.
    Stuck pipe, Fishing & Side-tracking
    A 3-day customised drilling and work-over workshop expanding on traditional stuck pipe prevention, that additionally covers fishing, milling, plug pack cementing and side-tracking operations.
    Well Integrity in Drilling, Work-over and Intervention Operation.
    3-day core course for technical and non-technical Upstream professionals.
    Latent Cause Analysis
    Affiliated with this training experience is a essential soft skills course for anyone starting in any industrial profession.
    Basic Casing and Tubular design
    Oil Field Primary Cementing

    "Peter combines an almost peerless wealth of knowledge and experience in complex technical engineering well delivery (integrity, planning and operations). I valued the global set of experiences he has along with his unwavering work ethic and willingness to mentor and share his knowledge with others. He was an instrumental member of the wells delivery team and helped the company deliver exceptional operational and cost performance results."


    Fergus Roe

    "Peter is highly knowledgeable and very passionate about his area of expertise and it showed in the training course we collaborated together on Deepwater Drilling. It was a highly successful project and participants were very happy with the course. I would gladly work with Peter again."


    Hanna-Rose Abdul Jalil, DES

    "Peter Aird is an outstanding individual. I have worked with him both offshore and in the office in a well planning role for a period of 5 years. he is passionate about delivering performance and meeting well objectives. Knowledgeable about all aspects of drilling wells, and expert in drilling engineering and drilling supervision. He applies intelligence to problem solving and usually comes up with the correct solution. Pete excels in deepwater operations and would be a key player in any planning and operations team facing complex challenges. If I owned an oil company Peter Aird is the man I would want to deliver my wells."


    Andrew Johnston

    "Peter is an energetic industry professional, globally experienced in a wide variety of operations, capable, analytical, and focussed on top class performance."


    John Edmondson

    More About Peter’s Company:

    Kingdom Drilling emerged from the Kingdom of Fife in Scotland with a clear mission: to advance the profession of oilwell drilling. This is achieved through the provision of training and consultancy services, facilitating the ongoing growth of their engineering, operational, and training capabilities. These skills are subsequently imparted to the future generations of drilling professionals.

    Since 1993, Kingdom has been delivering intricate well solutions, forming alliances with industry leaders to ensure the optimal return on drilling investments.


    Relentless Pursuit of Perfection Ltd” (shortened to rp²) reflects our commitment to a way of working that maximises the potential of any group

    Address Business
    Unit C, 17/F, United Centre
    95 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong.
    Company Registered 59385350 in Hong Kong
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