"The end result was a more efficient, robust and ultimately safer well delivery program, benefitting all those working on the project and its wider stakeholders."
- Baobab Project Leader, UK
"rp2 were integral to the team culture we set up and the creation of an enabling environment which allowed us to deliver this outstanding result."
- HPHT Wells Team Leader, UK
"Optimizations included 5-10% reduction in procedural efficiency timing for riserless drilling and several US$MM savings in offshore input to execution."
- Well Operations Manager, Egypt
"This letter is to confirm that the above Company provided development and facilitation services for the Lundin Malaysia B.V. “HSE & Team Building Workshop” which was held at the Impiana Hotel, Kuala Lumpur on the 29th and 30th March 2011. rp², represented by Mr. Dave Taylor, assisted us with all aspects of the Workshop development, from building the programme, advising on venue, coaching presenters to programme facilitation over the days the Workshop were held. The contribution of Dave produced an outstanding seminar, the results of which were evident from the first day of our operations. The feedback we had from participants in the Workshop was that this was a novel experience to them and that they thoroughly enjoyed the event. We believe that we more than achieved our objectives for the Workshop and this was due, in no small part, to the enthusiasm and professionalism of the rp² team. We shall definitely be engaging rp² in the future to assist with further Workshops prior to start-up of drilling, or major project, campaigns."
— Regional HSE Manager
"Dave Taylor of rp² was contracted by Eni Oil do Brasil to provide Technical Limit Workshops for our Belmonte 3 project in 2009. The project required preparing an operations team who had never worked in Brasil for a deepwater, HTHP well test of an unconventional tight gas sand that would require fracturing to establish commerciality. Dave’s company was selected using the normal bid process. The selection was based upon his knowledge of operations and structure of the proposal. I personally had never used his service before and have been a big proponent of one of his competitors. Nevertheless, I ventured out of my comfort zone and was impressed by his ability to perform the tasks we had envisioned in an energetic and stimulating manner.
My goal for this project was to avoid past problems and build an operations team that focused on communications within Eni and with Service Providers. I did believe we could do better than past exploration wells in terms of performance while meeting both local and corporate HSE goals. Previous Eni offset wells were lost due to shallow water flow at great expense. In addition LTI’s had occurred during each of the previous operations. In order to accomplish building a team, a foundation was built first with a Supervisory Alignment Meeting, then a DWOP was held with supervisors and service providers for the drilling operations and finally a CWOP was held prior to the well test.
Overall, I believe the meetings accomplished the goals set out. The project was completed with no major safety events resulting in injury and the equipment accidents were used in a productive manner to highlight potential and improve processes. The well was drilled and logged without recurrence of previous catastrophic events and with faster drilling rates. In the end, the well test was performed with dedicated rig crews and service providers challenged with minimum deck space and very limited quarters for this type of operation. Dave did not supply rig site service due to the limited quarters, however, if there had been room or Eni had a sustainable program, this service would have been added.
Eni engineers were somewhat skeptical of the purpose of these meetings. It was their first time to be exposed to a Supervisor Alignment Meeting, DWOP and CWOP. Initially they thought the SAM was too philosophical because it focused on operating principles and communications and not on how to construct the well. However, it was necessary since no one in the project had worked together previously. So in essence the SAM set the ground rules for operations as well as goals for the DWOP & CWOP. The 2nd day of SAM included the service provider coordinators who were indoctrinated into a unified Eni Team who were able to consistently convey expectations for the DWOP and upcoming operation. In the end Eni Operations & HSE management as well as service providers found it helpful to become acquainted prior to the DWOP.
The DWOP and CWOP meeting were held with full service provider crews attending. The meetings focused on the usual details of the well plan, operation protocol and HSE requirements. Eni’s HSE department found it very helpful since it fulfilled basic Brazilian Training Requirements and established a free flow of information between Operations, Service Providers and HSE.
I hope this testimonial provides support for the value of this service for future operations. In the end, performance is always measured but all too often goals and objectives are not fully understood."
— Well operations manager
"Dear Dave,
I’d like to thank rp-squared for the contribution you’ve made to enhancing our drilling performance here in Maersk Oil UK. It was something of a challenge to convince a team that knew they were performing well, that they could improve further and there was definitely some resistance in some quarters. But, largely down to the methods you have applied, what a difference in attitude we now have. I now regularly have people in our team questioning “why did that take so long?”, “did we really need to do that?”
The proof of the benefit of course is in the results. The work we have done with yourselves will apply to all of our central North Sea development wells but we focused primarily on well D11 at our DWOP. I’ve attached the time versus depth curve from that well and as you can see we were very close to the “Best of the Best” curve throughout and beat it overall as the completion also progressed very smoothly. We reached TD in less than half the planned time (helped by the shorter well length than originally planned). The DWOP identified a number of operational steps that could be improved or preparations that could be made more efficient and many of these have been implemented. Beyond that, we have got people thinking about improvements much more than they were previously.
The rig safety record is excellent and this has continued to be the case. Our subsequent well has had bad luck due to weather, which held us up for a number of days waiting to get on location and we lost a few days waiting for people due to the volcanic ash. If we back-out waiting on weather time we would be well ahead of our original estimate. So with the renewed focus that the work you did with our team has provided, I’m hopeful that we will sustain the improvements that have been made.
The success we’ve seen on our central North Sea development wells has contributed to our desire to use your company’s services on our HPHT well planning."
— Drilling manager
"rp² provided performance management services to the BP Tangguh Drilling & Completions team for the duration of the 2 year project. The Tangguh project is located in the remote region of Papua in Indonesia and presented some unique challenges, such as managing remote logistics, drilling through long intervals of vugular, karstified limestone formations with total losses and completing and testing high rate gas wells capable of producing up to 240 mmscf/d.
The Tangguh development is the first major LNG development in the Papua region of Indonesia and, due to the initial lack of analogous offset well data, it was expected that significant performance improvement could be achieved if a rigorous learning process was utilised through the project.
rp² provided rig site and office based performance coaches to help the Tangguh D&C team to implement a learning process and enabled the project to realise the expected rate of learning which has been estimated to be valued at $60 million.
This achievement can be attributed way the rp² coaches integrated into the BP team and helped it to apply pre-phase planning, after action reviews and capture and implementation of lessons. In addition, rp² organised and facilitated several team building workshops which enabled a greater team engagement with the performance goals of the project.
The key to rp² success, where some other performance management companies often fail, was due to the quality of the personnel that they provided. They were all experienced drilling personnel but with the interpersonal skills required to effectively engage the BP team, drilling contractor and service company personnel with their performance management processes. Many team members commented that this was the best experience that they had ever had using performance management services.
I have used rp² services on several occasions and l have always been pleased with the service that they provide and the results achieved. I hope to be able to use them again on future projects."
— Wells Team Leader
Many thanks for all your hard work delivering a really valuable DWOP for the Petrofac West Don project. I firmly believe that thorough preparation and effective facilitation produced an event that really boosted the team forwards, enabling them to get to know each other better, understand the critical success factors, and develop a Team approach to delivering high performance “Right First Time” wells. The participants had an ideal balance of listening and contributing, and I received a lot of positive feedback from many of them afterwards.
I hope we can call on your services, still the best facilitation in Aberdeen, as we move into the Completion phases of our wells in a couple of month’s time.
All the best and many thanks again"
— Drilling Superintendent
"Dave Taylor, and Relentless Pursuit of Perfection Ltd, have worked for me on an
adhoc basis since 2004. The first work was for Montrose Rubicon Rig and a performance improvement initiative as Paladin Resources in the UK. This involved working with our teams, internal and Service Providers, on a plan and then delivering a Drill-well-on-paper which incorporated the “Living the Limit” approach.
Last year the work was in New Plymouth, New Zealand, for the start-up of the Ensco 107 jack-up on the Kupe gas project. This involved two Crew Induction / DWOP / Performance Seminars, again building on the “Living the Limit” approach. We have licensed the programme modules from rp² and Dave has delivered training to our
HSEO coaches so that they can run the programme offshore.
We have been delighted with the results of this work, which has led to one of the smoothest start-ups offshore New Zealand in recent years.
We have now engaged rp² to perform similar services for our Bass Strait activities with the new-build jack-up West Triton.
I would have no hesitation recommending their services to others. Dave provides an attentive and enthusiastic service which he can adapt as required, and comments from attendees at our most recent Bass Strait DWOP in Melbourne were that it was the best they have ever seen."
— Operations Director
"During the drilling campaign for the InSalah Gas project in late 2003 we implemented a Technical Limit program in order to under pin the delivery of the remaining 10 gas wells needed for delivery of First Gas. To support the implementation of this program we chose to partner with “Relentless Pursuit of Perfection”. They provided us with a field consultant to coach and support our field crews in embedding the Technical Limit process into the way we worked. The use of the wellsite TL coach from “Relentless Pursuit of Perfection” enabled us to review the Technical Limit way of working with all our crews. This was a key success factor in getting the programme up and running quickly. ….. The result of our 10 well programme Was been excellent – first 3 wells showed 25% well-on-well improvement, gas targets delivered 4 months ahead of schedule, and the cost savings enabled the last well to be drilled for “free”. "
— Angola Wells Manager
"The Clair Team have employed Dave Taylor and the rp² team since late summer 2004 in a variety of technical limit scenarios. These range from the initial wide-ranging teambuilding session for the brand new Clair rig and service teams in which we brought the teams together, communicated the expectations and standards of how we wanted to work on Clair, and used technical limit activities to illustrate these expectations, to detailed technical limit work with a subset of the teams on individual well sections. rp² technical limit programmes typically have a rigid structure and contain a high level of detail and complexity ensuring technical limit improvements are addressed right down to the lowest level. Their sessions are characterised by high energy and are at their best when led by members of rp² highly experienced in managing the format and with close involvement and good advance preparation by the operator, taking advantage of the detailed work breakdown structure used by the programme. We have no hesitation in recommending rp² as a technical limit consultancy "
— Senior Drilling Engineer
"Dave Taylor has provided technical limit coaching and support services to BP operations that I have been involved with in the North Sea (Magnus) and Egypt (Gulf of Suez). For Magnus he acted as technical limit coach, embedded in the BP wells team for over a year. In this role, he formulated the Technical Limit process and provided support and guidance to the team onshore and offshore. In Egypt, he has run 2 technical limit workshops as well as providing coaching to the local Technical Limit Coach. Results have been positive, with performance improvements seen in both operations.
Dave’s strength lies in the enthusiasm and commitment that he brings to the job, as well as a broad experience base from which to draw, both technically and in terms of team behaviours. His approach stresses the importance of creating a sustainable performance culture, rather than looking purely at the mechanical aspects of performance."
— Senior Drilling Engineer
"In 2006 Oil Search recognised that significant performance improvement was possible within the onshore Papua New Guinea drilling operation if technical limit methodologies and rigorous knowledge capture were adopted and fully implemented...
rp² were contracted to initially facilitate “Technical Limit” on one OSL rig for a 3 well programme. This involved some initial office based planning, then having back to back technical limit coaches on the rig site for the duration of the project...
From the start, the rp² personnel were enthusiastic, knowledgeable and quickly integrated themselves into the drilling team, both in the office and on location. They led Drill the Well on Paper meetings, conducted rig site After Action Reviews, communicated lessons learned. They quickly became our “agents for change”, and inspired rig crews to focus on opportunities for improvement...
In a three well programme we were able to achieve almost 25% improvement in performance, which translated to very significant cost savings for Oil Search.
rp² have now been contracted to operate on all our rigs in PNG, and will work closely with us as we “live the limit”. In summary, excellent people, excellent work ethic, excellent results."
— PNG Drilling Manager
"On 22nd January 2004, the wells team laid down the last joint of conductor on the catwalk of Rig 2 on NW Hutton. It marked the end of the biggest well abandonment programme in the Northern North Sea and possibly in the world. The programme, which was part of the overall NW Hutton platform decommissioning project, is notable for many reasons, but the principle achievement is that, in a twenty two month period, 414,000 man-hours, all of the required work was completed without a lost time incident.
Given the scale and repetitiveness of the project it was recognised the principles of Technical Limit (TL) would be applicable to the operations. The company Relentless Pursuit of Perfection Limited were engaged to provide TL support to the wells abandonment and conductor team. It is believed this is the first time TL had been applied to well intervention and abandonment operations. Following intensive onshore planning, preparation and discussion TL was introduced into the project.
Significant performance improvements were noted in both phases of the abandonment project; 17% improvement during reservoir abandonment and 28% improvement seen during conductor recovery phase. In total over 500 suggestions were noted covering a wide range of health, safety, and technical application.
Personnel provided by Relentless Pursuit of Perfection Limited exceeded all expectations of the well abandonment leadership team. I would have no reservations in recommending them to provide TL instruction and support to any drilling or well service related activities."
— Brent Wells De-commissioning Leader
"Dave offers approach to TL which is a cut above the rest. Dave focuses on completed team engagement by considering the team behaviours as well as the tools an processes that have to be used. The results have been impressive and the whole team has been left believing TL works, when applied the way Dave approaches it. I’d recommend him to anybody "
— Drilling Superintendent
"The use of the wellsite TL coach from rp² enabled us to review the TL way of working with all our crews. This was a key success factor in getting the programme up and running quickly. The coach also worked with our team to ensure the workflow was dovetailed into our existing endeavour. We did not create anything additional, for everything that went in to the workflow, something was dropped. The result of our 10 well programmes has been excellent – first 3 wells showed 25% well-on-well improvement, gas targets delivered 4 months ahead of schedule, and the cost savings enabled the last well to be drilled for ‘free’."
— Wells Manager
"rp² have assisted our team deliver world class performance safely. "
NW Hutton Abandonment Wells
"rp² offers an approach to TL, which is a cut above the rest, focuses on completed team engagement by considering the team behaviours as well as the tools, & processes that have to be used. The results have been impressive & the whole team has been left believing that Technical Limit works when applied the way rp² approaches it. I would recommend them to anybody."
— BP Magnus
"Overall the process is an extremely effective way to improve performance in our operations. I particularly like the way that the team is fully engaged, and the positive effect this has on both safety and operational performance. "
— BP Magnus
"Our Pict completions challenge session with rp² has been very successful in gaining a detailed understanding by the team of the complexities of the work to be undertaken and developing new ideas to improve the safe, efficient execution of our programme."
— Petrocanada
"… It does result in some astonishing operational performances and …more than comfortable in recommending Dave Taylor and his rp² to anyone looking to make a step change in a complex operation involving numerous personnel with varied skill sets & with contracting relationships or objectives which are not perfectly aligned. This approach need not be limited to Well Construction alone. "
— Amerada- Hess
Additional Credits
"Inspirational coach hebing team "
— Client internal audit
"Technical Limit methodology was well explained "
— Trades
"The process is good and it has made my job easier, and time saving"
— Trades
"Have Dave out to the site more, his personal enthusiasm and focus are infectious"
— Apprentice
"Always made to feel our input was important"
— Trades
"Feedback was excellent"
— Site rep
"Well informed. Parts of programme were chopped due to our input"
— Trades
".. of all the Workshops I have done with this client, these are the best ones. They are well facilitated & the group always looks after the attendees "
— Supplier
"Enabling Environment is extremely important"
— Supplier
"I have been proud to be involved & pass my thanks for empowering the crews"