Well Integrity Case Study: North Sea

This case study examines an International Oil Company's well integrity training initiative in the North Sea, focusing on its assets in the Forties & Beryl Fields. These fields, over 40 years old, presented significant well-integrity challenges, leading to the issuance of several Safety Improvement Notices by the Health, Safety & Environment authorities (HS&E).
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Well Integrity Case Study

An International Oil Company (IOC) in Oman, which is a subsidiary of a large international energy firm, required a thorough review of their Well Integrity Management Standard. Our contribution involved evaluation, training, troubleshooting, systematisation of processes, continued support, and comprehensive documentation, culminating in a well-integrity standard document that encompasses all well lifecycle stages and management.
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Dave Taylor

RP Admin

Deepwater drilling performance programme specialist. Technical Limit and LEAN optimisation facilitator.


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