Performance Consultant Pool
The oil and gas industry is dynamic and fast moving, with resources being used efficiently and re-routed to where they’re most needed. This is obviously the case with physical assets such as rigs and supply vessels, but also applies to manpower too.
It’s normal for a new recruit to stay in the same job for extended periods, as they enjoy security and hope to climb the ladder. After 10-20+ years at the cutting edge of our profession, we become world class and more financially stable. It’s at this stage that shorter, flexible contracts and special opportunities tend to arise.
You have probably experienced this already, rather than clinging to security, you embrace challenge and adventure. Many of us also feel the desire to pass on our knowledge and experience to the next generation that will take over from us one day. Psychologists know that most rewards in work, are not financial, especially when one is already financially independent.
Experienced oil and gas personnel usually get to the stage in their careers where variety, flexibility, challenge and a chance to mentor others becomes more rewarding than security. In addition, the chance to work on a part-time or intermittent basis appeals, so that the balanced life that was dreamed about in younger years can at last become reality.
Relentless Pursuit of Perfection Ltd. keep a ‘Rolodex’ of some of the most experienced and well respected oil and gas consultants in the world. As we win new contracts, we tap into this performance consultant skill pool to match opportunities with the best mentors.
If you’d like to be included in this exclusive list, then register your interest below. You only need to submit your name, email address and a short message. We will then email you so that we can share more information, to see if you’re a good fit for us.
We continuously look for onshore and offshore Performance Consultants, to add to our database, and fill positions as they arise. Our typical performance coach will relish intermittent work, and the opportunity to review coaching work as it comes up, and accept or decline without affecting their position within our pool.
The key elements that we look for are:
- Exceptional people skills
- Extensive Oil industry knowledge
If you think you might fit the bill, please fill in this simple form and we’ll be in touch:
Wellsite Performance Coach — Summary
Igniting Passion…For Performance