Performance Services – BP

Our performance services have ranged from fully-resourced coaching-and-facilitation to facilitation-plus, the latter being a range of workshops and ad hoc coaching of client personnel.

Case Details

Work completed by:
Dave Taylor

Deepwater drilling performance programme specialist. 

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BP Egypt: West Nile Delta Exploration and Production (2013-ongoing)

Initially we conducted an i-DWOP (improvement DWOP) in July 2013, where in addition to the regular-DWOP activity, we conducted a performance seminar and helped the team develop mini-KPIs.

The results, in conjunction with Maersk Drilling’s PDSA programme (using Maersk PDSA coaches) and total commitment from the client team, were very impressive. Headlines:
HPHT Exploration well delivered 60 days under AFE
9-well Batch drilling delivered 114 days ahead of plan and 40% less than planned cost
6 of the 9 Batch wells were best in basin

We have been doing all their externally-facilitated Workshops; including Rig Start-ups, DWOPs, CWOPs and Run-Tree-on-Paper.

BP Indonesia: Tangguh Exploration & Appraisal Programme (2013-2014)

We provided a residential senior (office) coach and two field coaches for this challenging two-well jack-up programme. We recruited and trained two national coaches. Once the drilling campaign was completed, our senior coach was briefly assigned to the Intervention programme.

Both wells were plagued with downhole problems (formation and tool related)

Until serious downhole problems were encountered in the second well, it was some 15 days ahead of AFE and 4 days ahead of Best-of-the-best.
Pulled all lessons from Phase 1 and incorporated in the DWOP for the first well.
Assisted the WSL (Wellsite Leader) preparing Daily instructions.
Made several operational videos including ‘Safe Use of Rig Tongs’
Senior Manager conducted mid-campaign assessment / review.
Senior coach provided operational support as required, including TRUE material.

BP Indonesia: Tangguh Phase 1 (2007 – 2009)

We provided support from our Managing Director (adhoc) plus office and field coaches on two rigs during this development campaign.

One of the key requirements in a multi-well campaign, such as development drilling, is rapid re-investment of learning.

On the Vorwata B platform, the schedule allowed for batch-drilling.
Over 6-wells, the performance improved 37%.
Over 1300 lessons and opportunities were captured
Close-out was 96%
Conducted Logistics Workshops and mid-campaign Cross-Rig Learning Workshops
BP reported that conservative estimate of operational efficiencies was $61million over the $650 million drilling programme.

BP Gupco: Egypt (2005 – 2006)

We were engaged to breathe life into Gupco’s performance endeavours. Enhanced, performance-focussed DWOPs were held for each of the three jack-ups. We mentored some of the BP field coaches. Based on results achieved, the team were nominated for the Helios (Chairman’s) Award in 2006.

Some headlines:

Days/10,000 feet were half the Gulf of Suez average.
NPT reduced from 30% to 14%
“What is especially pleasing from this result is the way in which the multi-disciplinary team engaged and aligned the contractors in creating the business opportunities and achieving continuous improvement”

BG UK: Exploration & Development (2005 & 2005)

We provided field coaches at BG UK to support their TVD (Total Value Drilling) programme. This started with a one-off Deepwater Exploration well and was extended to development drilling.

Very quickly we handed over to the client, who built in-house teams.


Exploration well finished 10 days ahead of AFE.
$3 million saved over 6 months.

BP Algeria: Insalah Gas Project (2003)

The wells team had been operating for a while, and BP decided to implement a Technical Limit program in order to accelerate the delivery of the remaining 10 gas wells needed for delivery of First Gas.
We provided a field consultant to coach and support field crews in embedding the Technical Limit process into the way-of-working. He worked very closely with the crews. BP did not share the precise data with us, but wrote a letter of commendation The results of the 10-well programme were excellent:
First 3 wells showed 25% well-on-well improvement,
Gas targets delivered 4 months ahead of schedule.
The cost savings enabled the last well to be drilled for “free”.

BP UK: NW Hutton Well Decommissioning (2003-2004)

The BP NW Hutton Well Decommissioning Team wanted a “light” version of Technical Limit in their well abandonment campaign. One of their members had previously worked in the Magnus team (see below). Technical Limit was introduced part-way into the programme and we acted as advisors. We ran the alignment sessions, team-building and a series of Technical Limit Workshops onshore and offshore. Once again, the team worked themselves into best-in-class position.

The graph to the left shows actual time as a %-age of planned time. Anything below 1.00 (the blue dotted line) is ‘better than planned’)

The red line shows average performance before and the green line showing average performance during the programme.

Average times improved by 28%.

In fact, prior to the programme only two activities had come in under AFE. Results were seen immediately (Sequence 9). The campaign went so well that rp2 were contracted for Phase 2, the Conductor Retrieval. Results from this were covered in SPE paper 89348. Safety performance went hand-in-hand, with the following quote in the SPE paper: “Performance Outcomes: Most importantly there were no injuries resulting in days away from work (DAFWC) during the project and no spillages to the environment. There was only a 5% turnover of offshore personnel”. The article below appeared in the BP Newsletter.
Some excerpts:
World-class performance and an exemplary safety record.
Thanks to some great team-work and the use of the best technology available.
The removal of a complete conductor (including recovery of the completion tubing) is some 25% than offset project.
Some excerpts from the testimonial:
Believed to be the first time that Technical Limit has been applied in decommissioning
rp2 exceeded all expectations

BP UK: Magnus (2001- 2003)

This application was on a BP platform in the North Sea. BP provided the well-site resource (graduate engineer) and rp2
provided the onshore coach. Technical Limit Awareness Training was given to everyone involved. With the support of the Drilling Contractor, the majority of the off-duty crew would attend the workshops.

The graph below, prepared by the Senior Drilling Engineer, shows the performance achieved over a 14-month period. The activity was work-overs and sidetracks (infill drilling).

One of the graphs shows the rate at which the team was progressing towards the technical Limit time, which they had derived themselves in workshops.

All the wells came in under AFE.

Prior to the Technical Limit programme getting going in earnest, there had been three LTIs in relatively short period of time.

During the entire 14 months of this focused activity, there was only one minor LTI.

The article below appeared in the BP Newsletter shortly after the team delivered a world-class well and refers to the great drilling performance achieved via team engagement.

We were also used for the Magnus Extension Project, aligning the Production, Construction and Drilling teams, including a workshop with the diving team.

Some excerpts:

The well was delivered 20 days less than the AFE time of 74 days.
Up to 35% performance improvement
Beating our KPIs
Attributed to working through the Technical Limit process
Job is being done quicker and safer
Harnessing the collective knowledge of the whole team
Everybody engaged to cut out unnecessary work
Strong team performance
Wells are planned in a series of detailed steps, each being rigorously challenged along the way

Relentless Pursuit of Perfection Ltd” (shortened to rp²) reflects our commitment to a way of working that maximises the potential of any group

Address Business
Unit C, 17/F, United Centre
95 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong.
Company Registered 59385350 in Hong Kong
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