This website has gone through a complete redesign during the months of May and June 2016. The domain was registered on the 29th of March 2004, and for many years served its purpose as an online brochure and presence for those trying to find out about our company.
During discussions with our main recruitment partners, Steve and Jason over at Natural Resource Professionals, we realised that there was a lot more that we could do with our website to bring it up to date with the latest practices. Jason and his people at Out of the Box Innovations have been giving the site a complete work over and there is a huge difference to the design, feel and usability.
We started blogging back in June 2015 based on Jason’s advice, he said:
You have so much great content to share, it is a shame for it to be sitting in Dropbox and on your hard drive, why not publish it on your website?
Whilst we won’t be sharing all of our trade secrets with the world, we are happy to share our latest news and successes, and photos of all of the wonderful people that we have the honour of working with.
Just as our process with client projects are based on constant improvement, this website will be constantly improved too.
We value feedback from our friends, colleagues and partners, so if there is anything that you would like to see here on the website then don’t hesitate to contact us. If there are any suggestions about how we can improve then the same applies.
We also plan to get more proactive on social media, which is why you see sharing buttons on most of our pages. Why not take the time to connect with us on the social media accounts at the bottom of the page?
If you want to find out more about how you can improve your own website or web presence, head over and get some free advice from Jason Lavis at Out of the Box Innovations Ltd.