Expert Profile

Charles Hager

Associate Consultant (Hydraulic Fracturing, Frac Packs, Stimulations, Reservoir Simulation, PTA / RTA)


Charles is a hydraulic fracturing and reservoir engineering expert with over 30 years experience, covering areas such as Frac Simulation, Frac Packs, GeoMechanics, Reservoir Simulation, and PTA/RTA analysis. He initially acquired knowledge in Stimulations and Reservoir Engineering during his 8-year tenure at Amoco and its Research Center. Subsequently, he dedicated over a decade to solving complex challenges for global operators at Dr. Mike Smith's NSI Technologies. Throughout his career, spanning both exploration and production (E&P) companies like Enron Oil & Gas Intl. and Tom Brown's remarkable growth narrative, Charles has amassed a wealth of experience.

He has worked across more than 24 unconventional basins, offshore locations in 12 different countries, and has contributed to projects involving CCUS, Geothermal, and various reservoir types ranging from 10NanoDarcy to 10Darcy.

Expert and leader of integrating petroleum disciplines to identify and capture asset value. Able to build, mentor and focus staff towards generating success, finding new opportunities, and breaking paradigms.


Charles Hager is a highly qualified professional with a strong educational background. He earned his Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Alabama. He furthered his education by working alongside the PhD experts within Amoco’s Research Center for 5 years, as well as being Dr. Mike Smith’s partner at NSI Technologies for over a decade.

This comprehensive education provided him with a solid foundation in the principles and practices of petroleum engineering, preparing him for a successful career in the energy industry. Charles' commitment to academic excellence is reflected in his ongoing pursuit of knowledge and expertise in the field.

Career Highlights

Leadership & Management Roles

EVP Engineering and CTO - PetroScale Reservoir Solutions

May 2019 - Apr 2022 (3 yrs)
Managed and Advised Reservoir and Completions work.
Key Projects:

  • 6x production upside for UKOG's “Gatwick Gusher” identified from PTA tests integrated with Core Testing, along with Petrophysics and GeoMechanics.
  • Stimulation redesigns in Mexico's Burgos Basin doubled production while cutting Gel and Water usage in half.

VP Engineering - Trey Resources, Inc.

Feb 2017 - Apr 2019 (2 yrs 3 mos)
Managed integration of reservoir engineering and hydraulic fracturing.
Key Projects:

  • Redesigned Woodford horizontal well completions in the Delaware (Permian) Basin of West Texas. These redesigns resulted in over 3.5 times the productivity over the industry standard Slickwater Fracs.

Reservoir Engineering Manager - Tom Brown, Inc.

Aug 1999 - Dec 2003 (4 yrs 5 mos)
Managed and mentored 24 reservoir engineers, petrophysicists and technologists.
Key Projects:

  • Increased daily production from 115MMcfde to 325MMcfde
  • Identified and developed an East Texas Bossier gas field from 6 MMcfd to >70 MMcfd in 4 years. Full-field reservoir simulation and hydraulic fracture stimulation matching supported down spacing from 160 acres to 20 acres and increased reserves from 39 Bscf to 195 Bscf.
  • Identified and developed a vertical well offset in Louisiana that resulted in a >20MMscfd well.
  • Identified and Increased a field in the Paradox Basin from 3 MMcfde to 40 MMcfde from a full-field reservoir study that showed infill and frac stimulation opportunities. Grew reserves from 25 Bcf to over 125 Bcf.

Technical Consulting & Advisory Roles

Senior Associate Consultant - Subsurface Alliance

Aug 2023 - Present
Consulting Expert in various areas including Hydraulic Fracturing, GeoMechanic Models, and Reservoir Engineering.

Hydraulic Fracturing and Reservoir Engineer Advisor / Consultant - Synergy Exploitation Solutions

May 2006 - Present (17 yrs 11 mos)
Specialised in Hydraulic Fracturing Analysis and Simulation, Reservoir Engineering, PTA/RTA, and Reservoir Simulation.
Key Projects:

  • Analysis and business plan for a Wolfcamp/Bone Springs play in the Delaware Basin. Optimisation.
  • Optimisation of Marcellus and Utica/Point Pleasant production

VP Hydraulic Fracturing and Reservoir Engineering - NSI Technologies, LLC

Mar 2004 - May 2014 (10 yrs 9 mos)
Technical Advisor under Dr. Mike Smith on key field studies.
Key Projects:

  • Simulated and Redesigned Chevron’s Deepwater GOM Jack and St. Malo Stimulations
  • Designed and placed the 1st Frac Pack for Statoil(Equinor) in the North Sea.
  • Analysed the first 3 Pre-Salt discovery wells Offshore Brazil

Technical Expertise & Research Roles

Senior Reservoir Engineer and Stimulations Advisor - Enron, Oil & Gas International (currently EOG)

May 1998 - Aug 1999 (1 yr 4 mos)
Conducted reservoir engineering simulations, production optimisation studies, hydraulic fracturing simulations, and well testing.
Key Projects:

  • Integrated the Reservoir evaluation, Simulation, and Pressure Transient Testing of the nearly 7Tcf Tapti Field in offshore India.
  • Designed and placed (on location) the first ~1 MMlbs Bauxite fracs in China. Pumped at >70bpm and 12,000 psi, which made >18mmscfd vertical gas wells in the Xian XI reservoir in Western China.
  • Reservoir engineer for the Offshore Trinidad testing, evaluation, and development of an ~800Bscf discovery.

Hydraulic Fracturing and Reservoir Engineer - Amoco Production and Amoco Research Center (currently BP)

Jun 1993 - May 1998 (5 yrs)
Worked on consulting requests studying fields worldwide while learning directly from the industry’s leading experts and PhD’s
Key Projects:

  • International and Domestic studies on hydraulic fracturing and reservoir simulation
  • Integrated fracturing and reservoir simulation in South Texas, Muy Grande field to design and place a 200Mlbs Bauxite stimulation at 12 bpm and 13,000 psi surface treating pressure, which increased production from 6 MMcfd to 32 MMcfd, with a 67MMcfd AOF

Production, Workovers, Waterflood and Economics Engineer

Aug 1990 - Jun 1993 (2 yrs 11 mos)
Focused on production and Operations in the West Texas Midland Basin.
Identified and implemented workovers, step-rate tests, injection conformance, stimulations, economics, budgeting, and artificial lift optimisation.


  • Well Completions
  • Hydraulic Fracturing
  • Well Testing PTA / RTA
  • Reservoir Simulation
  • Training & Development
  • Frac Packing
  • Frac Diagnostics -DFITs
  • Lab Core Testing
  • Well Economics
  • Project Management
  • Geomechanics
  • Acid Fracs
  • Nodal Analysis
  • Workshops
  • Paradigm Breaker

More About Charles

Charles J. Hager is a notable figure in petroleum engineering, distinguished for his significant research contributions, including papers like "Analyzing Production Data with Standard PTA Methods" and "Incorporating Rate-Time Superposition Into Decline Type-Curve Analysis." His Amoco Research Papers explore pragmatic approaches to fracture conductivity and proppant placement, with a notable example being "A Multidiscipline Study and History Match of a Fracture Stimulation." Serving as Technical Editor for Well Completions in the Journal of Petroleum Technology reflects his editorial involvement. Additionally, Hager played a pivotal role in developing the White River Dome, the world's deepest economical CoalBed Methane Project. Recognised for mentorship, he was selected as the Best Mentor for the Amoco Petrophysics Training Program in 1997, underscoring his lasting impact on petroleum engineering.

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